As far as the contents, I also can't be 100% certain - especially about the movie - but I have read a few online summaries of the book and am 98% sure it's antisemitic, mainly because it apparently claims that all modern-day Jews are malevolent, world-controlling fake Jews and other groups are real Jews. As an Ashkenazi Jew who prays in a synagogue, has studied Hebrew, and celebrates Jewish holidays - and whose great-grandparents were murdered for being Jewish - this idea is extremely offensive to me.
That said, I'm not interested in cancelling Irving. I wasn't interested in cancelling Whoopi. I don't know any Jews who wanted them cancelled in either case. I don't think that people should be fired from their jobs or uninvited from events unless the bigotry is malicious and unmistakble, which was true in neither case.
(And btw I'm in about a dozen Jewish Facebook groups and have hundreds of Jewish friends, and this Medium article was actually the first I'd heard about this book, this movie, or Kyrie Irving!)