I fully agree with you about Foxx, and have no interest in portraying Black people as antisemitic. But I think you overstate things a bit when you say Black antisemitism doesn't cause "harm or death" toward Jews.
The 2019 Jersey City shooting killed 3 Jews in a targeted hate crime, and the attackers brought explosive that might've killed dozens of children in the attached school if they'd been successful.
Hate crimes against Jews in places like New York City are widespread and rising, and the assailants are sometimes Black, as you can see here, here, and here.
Again, I am NOT saying that all Black people are antisemitic, or that Black antisemitism is worse than white antisemitism (it's not), or that Black people are mostly responsible for attacks on Jews. The only reason I'm sharing these links is because of your statement that Black antisemitism doesn't cause "harm or death" to Jews. Like all forms of hatred, it is both harmful and deadly.
Boaz Munro