My friend,
1. You totally leave out the thing she said that was actually wrong, which is "The Holocaust wasn't about race."
The Holocaust was about race.
That's why she was wrong, and people pointed it out. You’re acting as if she said “Jewish suffering is not inherently worse than anyone else’s.” This is of course a true statement, but it’s not what she said. You’re deciding that it’s what she really meant to say, and then faulting Jews for objecting.
2. I'm a Jew and a grandson of Holocaust survivors. Neither I nor anyone I know wants Whoopi cancelled. The ADL also doesn't want Whoopi cancelled. Its head appeared on the show and they talked about the Holocaust, and now they're cool.
Where is the evidence that Jews are trying to destroy Whoopi's reputation?
3. This reads a lot like you have a pre-existing beef with the “Holocaust Industry,” and possibly Jews, and this rant was waiting for a Holocaust-related controversy. (Based on what you say about Labour, it seems like you think the Holocaust Industry destroyed Jeremy Corbyn. The very idea that that any so-called Holocaust Industry would have the power to do this is rather astonishing. Shadowy Jews do not control politics.) When it comes to Whoopi’s remarks, the actual facts of the case don’t line up with your notion of the "Holocaust Industry" or Jewish exceptionalism.
4. The way you conflate Jews upset with Whoopi Goldberg with Israel is very strange. Imagine if I said "Muslims who talk about Islamophobia in America and act like victims only throw into sharper relief the crimes of Saudi Arabia in Yemen." This would be a bizarre and bigoted remark.
5. I frankly find it chilling that you follow up a list of things you don't like about Israel with "Left unchecked, it will bring Jewishness once again to be seen to mean outside of the human race." Is there any other country whose behavior you think will eventually lead an entire people to be seen as outside the human race? You seem to be blaming the victims of a future hypothetical Holocaust. I don't think you realize how bizarre your rhetoric is here.
I really urge you to calmly review what Whoopi actually said and what the actual response was, and reconsider this article.