Thanks for your comment, Hannah.
First, just to clarify - I'm not at all saying that any other groups "have it easier" than American Jews as a general matter. Just that the progressive silence when we're being attacked seems exceptional to me relative to other groups.
Second, I certainly can't disprove the existence of any intra-progressive tensions or resentments among identities. All I can say is this:
- I've never seen a tweet/article/comment or heard a remark from a progressive that used the actions of a foreign country to question whether it's fitting to condemn attacks on Asians or Muslims.
- When Anti-Asian or Islamophobic attacks are called out, it may be true that progressives are sometimes slow to show the kind of support that's needed, but the response I *do* see from progressives is universally sympathetic and supportive. When I and many of my Jewish friends called out these attacks, on the other hand, we got about as much pushback as we did support, which was extremely hurtful and invalidating.
- I know that it can always be sensitive to draw comparisons between other groups, but I'm not sure how else the argument can be made. It's impossible to point out unequal treatment of any kind without making a comparison.
Thanks again for your comment.