There were not 0 massacres of Jews by Arabs in the decade you mentioned. There was the Tiberias pogrom of 1938, which killed 19 people, and at least 8 Jews were killed in the 1947 Jerusalem riots. It's true that there were many more massacres by Jews during that period, though there were of course egregious massacres of Jews by Arabs in '48 itself, the worst of which were the Hadassah medical convoy massacre and the Kfar Etzion massacre. We should acknowledge that during '48, too, there were many more massacres by Jews than by Arabs (though it's also true that the Arabs had almost no opportunities to commit massacres, and Jews had many).
"Its highly offensive to suggest that Jewish forces raping women, tying up villagers and summarily executing them and then burying them in mass graves just like the Nazi's did is not as bad because there were not as many Palestinians to kill."
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that the events are qualitatively as well as quantitatively different (though I can certainly understand why witnesses to Jewish massacres of Arabs would draw comparisons to massacres the Nazis committed. The passages you quote, most of which I've already seen, are quite tragic).
If Israel had tried to exterminate all Palestinians everywhere they had control over them, the events would be comparable even if the overall number of Palestinian Arabs were much lower than the overall number of European Jews.
What I find much more relevant than the overall death tolls is the % of each population that was affected. I myself find it pretty offensive to say that an event which kills 1-2% of a population is the same as an event which kills about 66% of another. They are not the same, just as COVID (which has killed about .33% of the US population) is not the same as the Black Death in medieval Europe.
Another thing that's relevant is the larger context - in this case, a war between two sides as opposed to a genocide by a state against a purely civiilian population.
If numbers & context don't come into the equation at all, then it would seem we have to say that the massacres perpetrated by Arabs against Jews, along with the ethnic cleansing by Jordan of places like East Jerusalem, mean that Arabs perpetrated a simultaneous Holocaust against Jews in Palestine. If we really don't care about numbers, we could even say that Hamas orchestrated a Holocaust against Jews last month, with the cold-blooded murders they committed in Israel. But even though Arabs have committed unpardonable crimes against Jews during this period, comparing these to the German Holocaust would be absurd, especially when history is sadly littered with events that are much more similar.