This is so misguided. Israel withdrew from Gaza unilaterally in 2005. It forcibly dragged its own citizens out and gave the land back to Palestinians.
Hamas immediately launched rockets, and hasn't stopped since. That's the reason for the current blockade.
This isn't like Nat Turner; if anything, it's like if Nat Turner had committed his massacre *after* the end of slavery.
But it's not even like that, because Nat Turner was not a black supremacist. Hamas are Islamic supremacists. That's why they rape, torture, and mutilate. Their leaders are billionaires who don't even live in the Strip.
Finally, in projecting white/black power dynamics onto a totally different region, you completely erase the role of antisemitism in the history of this conflict; the need for Jews themselves to have taken extraordinary action historically (somehow never managing to rape and behead people); and the fact that Hamas are part of the region's ethnic and religious dominant imperial caste: Muslim Arabs.
I hope you'll reconsider this terrible, uninformed take.